Field and tunnel studies
Since 1992 Testapi performs field studies and studies under insect proof tunnels. These purpose of these studies is to provide data for registration of agrochemicals but also developing new experimental methodologies.

Field studies
Field trials with attractive crops on several hectares area allow performing studies under GLP keeping good agricultural and beekeeping practices. Conditions of these study can easily be above the minimum European standards and are good support for bee brood tests and residues studies on apiary products.
Testapi runs the following field studies:
- GLP Field studies on bee mortality and foraging: to determine the impact on adult bee mortality and foraging on various treated crops (OEPP 170 and CEB 230)
- GLP Field studies on bee brood development: to determine the impact on bee brood development when bees foraged on various treated crops (OECD 75). These field tests are complementing laboratory studies (OECD 237).
- GLP Field studies on bee homing flight behavior: to assess the homing flight success of adult bees fed with contaminated diets by using microchips (European Ring Test)

Tunnel studies
In such cloistered conditions where wind and rain are reduced, insects are observed by modalities, each tunnel being independent from the other.
Studies are carried out according to EPPO, EOCD or French CEB guidelines, as well as under specific homemade protocols.
Testapi runs the following tunnel studies:
- GLP honeybee studies under tunnels: To determine the impact on honeybees and on honeybee colonies under semi-controlled conditions: mortality, foraging, colony development, brood development (OEPP 170, CEB 230, OECD 75)
- GLP honeybee behavior studies: To determine the impact on the behavior of adult honeybees on sprayed crops or seed treated crops (CEB 230)
- GLP bumblebee studies: To determine the impact on the mortality, foraging and colony development on several crops (EFSA guidance document)
- GLP Osmia studies: To determine the impact on the mortality, foraging, mating and brood development on flower crops (European Ring Test)