
Testapi staff / addresses

Testapi main office and laboratory are located in the heart of the Loire Valley between Tours and Angers-Nantes.

115 Route du Pô
49650 Allonnes – France

Satellite offices are located:

21000 Dijon - France

49300 Cholet - France

49620 La Pommeraye - France


Hervé Giffard

Formerly founder and now Associate and Test Facility Manager of Testapi.

Agricultural engineering graduate, Herve was a beekeeper and has managed honeybee trials since 1987. As a study director then and as test facility management, he has developed different kinds of new methodologies with some becoming recognised officially. Expanding Testapi into testing with other beneficial insects and non-apis pollinators, he has increased his experience in training, consultancy and expertise related to ecotoxicology trials and management. Leading the French Bee Methodology group Herve is also involved in different international groups and represents France at OECD level.

Increasing the range of Testapi activities in 2016 by hosting new collaborators Celine Bousquet and Frederic Lebrun as shareholders to develop Testapi and the residue department.

In his spare time Herve is a cattle breeder and enjoys running and food.


Céline Bousquet

Associate and GLP study director

As an agricultural engineer by training (ENSAR - Ecole Nationale d’Agronomie de Rennes – France - 1998), Céline Bousquet has worked since 2000 in the field of residue studies. Managing GLP pan-European residue programmes, she developed valuable skills on a wide range of residue studies (crop, processing, rotational, soil, bee products, drift, DFR…) with her past experience including the performance of more than 350 studies and 2100 trials (2017 data).

Through the various companies she has worked for (European Ag, Biotek Ag, SGS) and thanks to her work on multi-site studies, she has gained a wide knowledge of the European CRO network (field and laboratories) and can advise on the best combination for the studies she runs. Her motivation is to provide the highest guidance to sponsors and to anticipate potential complications.

Since 2016, Celine Bousquet has been a shareholder of Testapi where she developed the residue department in cooperation with her colleague Frederic Lebrun.

When Céline isn’t working, she practices sports, hiking and likes good food.


Marie-Ange Bougrier

GLP study director

With a degree in agricultural technology (BTSA Crop Technology – Crop protection – Yonne), Marie-Ange has worked since 2003 in the field of crop protection. She was first in charge of a national agricultural alert network (FREDON Auvergne, SRPV Doubs). She then worked as a principal field investigator running GEP and GLP trials (Syntech Research) and finally coordinated technical field teams in a GLP department (SGS).

Marie-Ange joined the Testapi team in 2018 where she works as a GLP European trials coordinator and study director. With her varied and complementary experiences in crop protection and field work, Marie-Ange is a steadfast ally in the scope of GLP residue work.

During her free time, Marie-Ange enjoys tinkering and reading.


Frédéric Lebrun

Associate and GLP study director

With a degree in Biology and Agronomy (DUT Angers, Bsc / Msc Greenwich Univ., London 1998), Frédéric began his career as a lab. technician (Chromato/Janssen); then as field trials coordinator and GLP study director (RAGT seeds, B&S Residue, Staphyt, Arbiotech, SGS).

Since 2001, Frederic has acted as study director in GLP Pan-European studies (265 studies, 1650 trials in 2017) and as a project manager. Thanks to fruitful collaborations with his European network, he gained his knowledge in various GLP study types, such as, classical crop residue, but also processing, rotational, soil dissipation/accumulation, bee products, guttation, dust drift, seed treatment and post-harvest storage studies.

In 2011, he was offered the opportunity to develop the GLP department of SGS France and expanded his management skills. In 2016, he decided to gain more independence and freedom to operate by becoming shareholder of Testapi with Hervé Giffard and Céline Bousquet.

Amongst several hobbies, he has been part of local social association (Familles rurales) and theater society; and he also likes to tinker, travel across the world and dive (Padi advanced).


Julien David

GLP principal field investigator

Julien gained a degree in agricultural technology, specialising in horticultural production (BTS – Angers - France) and has worked since 2010 in the field of experimental agricultural trials. For 7 years, he performed the field phase of GEP efficacy and GLP residue trials (Promo-vert), acquiring strong field experience. After a two-years break as technical sales agent for an agricultural cooperative, Julien decided to come back to the field of experimentation and joined the Testapi team.

Acting as a principal field investigator, Julien sets up residue trials on a wide range of crops in Northern and Southern France. Occasionally, Julien assists the Testapi team on bee trials (field and laboratory studies). His knowledge of the field work and his farmer network make him a real asset for Testapi.

In his spare time, Julien likes wildlife, hiking, cross biking and gardening.


Olivier Mamet

GLP Study Director

In 1998, Olivier obtained his Masters degree in ecosystems and population biology. He has been working on GLP and ISO certifications (14001) since 1999 (Agrisearch, Testapi) and developed his agrochemical and agricultural knowledge whilst having responsibility for several GEP and GLP trials and study types. Moreover, he gained a strong experience in team management by developing and organizing new test site facilities and taking care of a team of GLP and GEP technicians for several years.

Olivier has been GLP study director in ecotox and veterinary studies related to beneficial pollinators and other insects since 2006. Passionate about bees and other insects, Olivier always looks for technical protocol improvements in the ecotox research and development field. Thus, he takes part in several EU working and discussion groups in his area of ecotoxicology.

During his free time, he practices extreme sport, but also gardening and beekeeping.

Photo Elise Reveillon

Elise Réveillon

After a technical degree in biology and environment, Elise decided to deepen her knowledge in plant production with a training in plant health management.

With different internships in plant experimentation, she acquired skills in setting up field trials. Aware of environmental issues but also agricultural challenges, Elise joined Testapi in November 2023 as GLP field investigator. Sometimes, she assists the ecotoxicology team in their missions.

In her free time, she likes to discover the wildlife while hiking, but also cooking and gardening.


Fleur Robert

With a Master degree in fruit and vegetables engineering Fleur has improved her skill with an additional diploma in plant protection.

After 1 year experience at Eurofins AgroSciences through GEP/GLP experimental phases, she completed her professional degree in a work-study program at the seed company HM Clause during 2 years.

She acquired skills in setting up field and lab trials, in processing statistical data in RStudio and other relevant software, and in presenting scientific results.

Fleur joined TESTAPI in October 2022 with a lot of motivation.

She is passionate about outdoor sports, especially rock climbing. She likes to travel by bike, reading and watercolors.


Thomas Guilleman

With a technical degree in agronomy and a bachelor's degree in agroecology, Thomas worked in organic horticulture and on-farm biodiversity before joining the Testapi team in March 2022.

During his studies he was very interested in laboratory and experimental work. Having been introduced to beekeeping as a child and now concerned about pollinator conservation, it was natural for him to join Testapi as a laboratory and field technician in ecotoxicology.

After training in GLP and the specifics of ecotoxicology, Thomas is now involved in setting up studies, carrying out assessments, maintaining bee colonies. From time to time, he also assists the residue team in the field and in the laboratory.

In his spare time, Thomas likes to play volleyball, go to the cinema, or read a novel.