Bandeau Testapi

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This site is property of TESTAPI SAS.

The partial or full reproduction of this content in any way and on any support is prohibited without prior written authorization from Testapi administrator.

Head office :

115 Route du Pô
49650 Allonnes – France
Tel 33 (0)3 241 526 894
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Realisation : Julia Leveque

Host :
1 rue Célestin Freinet
Le Nantil Bât. A Nord
44200 NANTES - France

Data sources  :

The information provided on this website has been written by Testapi staff.

Credits photos :

Most of the pictures are internally provided and were taken during Testapi field or lab activities. Some of the pictures were legally purshased to shutterstock and fotolia.

Data confidentiality :

In compliance with French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete any of your individual data available on line on this site. To do so, please write to:

115 route du Pô
49650 Allonnes - France